Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Dekker Gambit games...via Google Docs

Mention "Microsoft" in polite company and, like Pavlovian dogs, it'll bring out the usual litany of complaints about rubbish software, greed and so on. As a developer, I actually regard Microsoft highly, they look after developers very well.

Curiously, this same response is not evoked by Google. Perhaps that's because Google has offered its services for free for so long. Perhaps it is because Google has not been around long enough to earn standard disparaging remarks. Who knows.

Today, Bronwen showed me Google Docs and its pretty awesome. I've taken the opportunity to publish, in PGN format, a list of the Dekker Gambit games played so far. This list will be kept up-to-date as new games are played, including games played by other people.

Please review the list and if you are inspired to play the gambit (its quite sound and a very fair judge of chess skill of both players, apart from being a lot of fun) then please drop me an email to send me your thoughts, game scores or questions.

Here's the link:

Alain Dekker
May 2008
[Testing update in March 2017]


At 7:42 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Good good good......


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